Welcome to Rhyme & Reason!

I am a person from Mumbai who thought she has cracked life after she read Eckart Tolle's New Earth. But practising enlightenment is much harder than it looks. As you would know. So I sat down to decode moments that take place in our lives and make us behave the way we do.

We are many things - our professional tag, a good friend, a manic driver, a plan-canceller, a sports lover, a food enthusiast (or plain hungry), a one-drink-and-gets-a-hangover next dayer. Several things, truly. But the world is not built on diversity, it is built on uniqueness. And surprisingly most of our behaviours collide - through reactions and feelings. Not just saying, there is data to prove this.

I am here to find these common threads in our day-to-day. And make sense of how we buy, consume, and direct our energies into certain reactions. It is finding some reason in the rhyme. Get it?

So be a friend, and subscribe. This will be fun, mostly. It will be regular, potentially. But if it is terrible, please let me know?

See you in your inbox.

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A commentary on culture & other stuff


Culture strategist who knows something about branding and a lot about storytelling.